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- Subject: GEM List
- Subject: Re: Gem List
- Subject: Re: Gem List
- Subject: Re: Digest
- Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 04:08 EST
- From: "Daniel J. Hollis" <0006795560@mcimail.com>
- To: ems <gem-list@world.std.com>
- Subject: GEM List
- Message-Id: <90940731090809/0006795560PK4EM@mcimail.com>
- Precedence: bulk
- Subject: Re: Gem List
- Anonymous:
- ----------
- > Any features which make the display confusing, overload the user with too
- > many options to choose from, or simply wouldn't get used, yet it's
- > included.
- Then why include the option at all, then, is what you're saying. That's a
- poor attitude towards GUI libraries. IMHO, the more options, the better.
- Just make it so the options can be understood in plain English, and one
- option sets a whole feel to the library instead of one option being something
- piddly like turning sliders on or off in a window (active redraw)...
- > The Germans seems to have this tendancy toward making the user interface
- > as complicated as possible. They will give the user too many options.
- > Perhaps 90% was an exageration... perhaps not.
- Sounds like you have something against German libraries. I think they are
- great, and they provide GREAT ideas for us AMERICANS to go by.
- > I'm talking about abandoning the way GEM functions. For example, the
- > closer should not pop up a menu (except in circumstances where it's
- > really useful, but let's not make a habbit of it). This change in style
- > will do nothing but confuse and frustrate the user because he has to
- > contend with another dialog.
- Then it makes no sense to argue about this. GEM doesn't function in any
- consistent way. It functions the way YOU make it function. Why would
- a closer pop up a menu? My library only pops up a menu if you hold down the
- button on a closer. If you tap the closer shut, it closes it. I begin
- to wonder if you received a copy of XAES without my permission...
- > And too much stuff involving the background windows will also just be
- > confusing.
- Oh ghee, let's just abandon background windows altogether, then.
- > I didn't say I wanted NO standards. I want UNCONFUSING and SAFE
- > standards. I'd think you'd have realized that by now.
- Sounds like you were bashing every standard we were talking about, so why
- not just make your own standards and confuse EVERYONE else?
- > I KNOW it's simple to do. Even under normal TOS, my library already has
- > the option to do that... for the dialogs anyway. I use it for tool boxes.
- Toolboxes are not the only place background windows should be enforced. Make
- it so that if a user creates a window with your library, they have the
- option to use WF_BEVENT. If they are not using the right TOS version, then
- handle the WF_BEVENT bit yourself!
- > If living in 1985 lets me get more work done faster and easier, then so
- > be it. I'm not one to hold back progress, but if this 'progress' is
- > radical to the point that it only makes things more confusing and harder
- > to work with, then I don't want it!
- Why would making a dialog in a window be more confusing? If background
- activatable windows were confusing, Atari would never have put that option
- into MultiTOS or FalconTOS.
- > Well, I break my library down into a few seperate .C files and the
- > programmer can pick which ones he wants. I'm sure that's what most of us
- > do.
- Instead of making it so that the programmer has to go through your own code,
- look around and say "Ah, that's what I want, but only this one function" why
- would you do this? Just create one MYLIB.LIB file, and include bindings,
- and simple documentation (simple enough to show them how to write a program),
- and you will be set. Don't include the .C files. It will make it so the
- programmer has to fix your code if something is incompatible, and it will be
- a waste of time for the programmer. If I were in their shoes, I'd try to fix
- the problem a few times. If the problem doesn't get fixed by *simple* ways-
- and-means, the library gets trashed. Simple as that.
- > I don't know if it's big. I don't know what it does. Let me put it this
- > way... if mine does the same amount or more and it's smaller, than yours
- > it too big. We'll see.
- That's a poor way of looking at it. If one library does more than one other
- library, that doesn't mean it's better. You've gotta look at the code
- itself, but then, I doubt I'm giving my code out, just my libs.
- > I'm not LIMITING it to 50k. Why don't you read it again? I said, "...I
- > doubt it will grow to more than 50k...." This means it probably won't,
- > but if it does, no biggie. I'll have a good reason for it. :)
- Sounded like you were limiting it to 50K. I simply read between the lines.
- >> Ok, then use XAES. We allow you to drag/resize/scroll/close/etc windows in
- >> the background under normal TOS, even TOS 1.0.
- > How do you do this? HOW? You can't get anything other than WM_TOPPED
- > messages to background windows under normal TOS.
- Yes, you cannot get anything other than WM_TOPPED messages from background
- windows under normal TOS. So what? You don't *need* anything other than a
- WM_TOPPED message from a background window to do these things.
- > Oh, but you're replacing parts of AES, aren't you. Vector-stealing.
- > Icky. Isn't the exception stack frame different on the 68030 compared to
- > the 68000?
- Nope, sorry. I'm not sure how you came up with that assumption....
- I'm sure if someone thought about it for about 5 minutes, they could figure
- out how background windows can be done under TOS 1.0. I figured out how to
- do it over a year ago.
- No patching the AES, no vector stealing required. And it's *SIMPLE*.
- Hint : The ability to handle background window gadgets (sizer, sliders,
- titlebar, etc.) is directly linked with the ability to click
- background buttons in dialogs.
- About exception frames : Yes, 68000 and 68030 frames are different. So what?
- It's *easy* to handle both frames, by the way. Let'em Fly traps vectors and
- yet it works on all 680x0 systems (if you want to get technical.) What this
- has to do with this discussion is beyond me, however.
- > A LITTLE? Are you kidding? First I'm going to have to decode the file,
- > then I'm going to have to translate the codes into what gets displayed,
- > then I'm going to have to figure out where (and in what character space)
- > to put them into my menus, then I'm going to have to scan my list every
- > time the user presses a key, and on top of that, I'm probably going to
- > have to uut up with some brain-dead method of figuring out which key is
- > which because someone wants to use hardware scancodes for the Ctrl-Letter
- > keys, which makes no sence because it's non-portable.
- Just sounds like you're a lazy coder. There is *nothing* hard about what
- you just explained to me. It's all a matter of sitting down and DOING it.
- If you keep contradicting everything I say and saying it's not easy, or it's
- impossible, then no one will even WANT to get your library. Don't be a lazy
- assed coder. TRY something for a change, rather than coming up with excuses
- to get out of everything before even trying it.
- > Yeah, sure... and let's make the user spend 5 hours on install, 4 of
- > which is for configuration, and the last hour is for copying from floppy
- > all the code for all the features that the user turned off.
- I don't think you read the message. I didn't say to make it hard to install
- either. There should be a set list of standards in the installation
- process which gets added on to APP_DEFS and GUI_DEFS (??) so that the options
- are already there. There's no *hours* of configuration, just load-and-go.
- Ever heard of that word?
- > And then when the user wants to use the program, he has to deal with
- > XAES, your new user interface with all these new gadgets he's never seen
- > before, and spend hours just figuring out how to use the program, and
- > then when he wants to change a feature, he has to spend another hour
- > tracking it down from all the countless other options you have burried
- > somewhere.
- Uh, sorry to disappoint you -- but those gadgets are configurable. You don't
- want them? Then don't use them! XAES will default to 'normal' windows in
- dialogs. Although the option is still there for power users for the new
- gadgets. XAES doesn't *force* you to do anything. XAES is all about
- *choices*, not being forced to do anything you don't want it to.
- If you were to code with my library, you would find out immediately how easy
- it is to code.
- "new gadgets he's never seen before"? Then why is Windoze 3.1 and Motif
- selling so well? XAES uses alot of stuff from Motif and Windoze (only the
- good ideas, not the lame assed ones.) Well, if the user has been living under
- a rock for the last 6 years, they might not have had exposure to these "new
- gadgets" as you call them.
- > ute. Very cute. Ctrl-A is the only combination that I have ever hit
- > accidentally that also caused me catastrophic problems. Unintentionally
- > selecting the whole document can cause anything from minor irritation to
- > lost data, depending on the rest of the user interface.
- Hmmm, I wonder what this "UNDO" key is for. Maybe it's there on the keyboard
- just for looks...
- > I am one of many people who have complained about Atari Works wiping out
- > their documents when their little finger slips and hits Ctrl and A at the
- > same time.
- Then get rid of AtariWorks and quit complaining. Anyone who uses AtariWorks
- deserves what happens to them :-)
- > You do NOT assign dangerous options to key combinations that are
- > FREQUENTLY accidentally hit. I may be the only one on the GEM-List who
- > has this problem, but there are countless others who also have this
- > problem, and if the people on the GEM-List are so SHORT SIGHTED that they
- > cannot fathom that this might happen to someone, then I start to wonder
- > what other judgement errors they will make in the future, causing just as
- > much frustration for people and harm to their data.
- I assign internal keycodes for my library. If they want something done, they
- would have to FORCE to it themselves for the window on the screen. The only
- way they can do anything is to hit ALT-CTRL- and a key combination. That's
- not something you hit just by accident. Besides, I've never hit CTRL-A on
- accident yet, and I use QED and Rufus all the time.
- -- Ken Hollis (Bitgate Software)
- -----
- Subject: Re: Gem List
- Anonymous:
- ----------
- >> Nobody should *ever* send keypresses to anything but the window under
- >> current focus. It is *incredibly* confusing to do otherwise. Just flip
- >> this option on in some X11 window manager and you'll learn really damn
- >> quick to hate it (as well as auto-window topping.. this is a totally
- >> STUPID idea!)
- >I never thought I'd say this, but I actually agree with you here :)
- I think it is safe to say that most of us agree with this.
- > But there is a standard for what windows look like and what the gadgets do.
- > Yes it depends on TOS version but people only use one TOS version and with
- > that all their applications _except_those_written_with_your_library_ will
- > look and feel the same.
- Have you used WinX? They have different window gadgets, and yet, I don't
- hear anyone complaining.
- -- Ken Hollis (Bitgate Software)
- -----
- Subject: Re: Digest
- ?!?!?!:
- -------
- > If you allow clicks in background windows then it will not be consistent
- > with other applications. Topping windows on all clicks in them may not be
- > desirable but it _is_ consistent with existing GEM programs and with
- > programs for the mac and mswindows. As for intuitive, since keystrokes
- > obviously go to the top window only, why not buttons. It isn't intuitive
- > if button events sometimes top a window and sometimes activate a button
- > depending on where they are. I can't see anything wrong with GEM on the
- > ease of use front and as for ease of programming - it's pretty bad, but
- > have you tried mswindows?
- What the HELL are you thinking? Almost all programs that run with MultiTOS
- have background window settings in one way or another. Face it. You're too
- *L A Z Y* to even code this. *TRY* it before you open your mouth and let out
- senseless hot air. I can safely say that you don't have a CLUE as to what
- you are talking about.
- You are talking about abandoning MultiTOS's standard of WF_BEVENT and the
- Falcon's WF_BEVENT window clicks altogether and forming your own little party
- that background windows don't exist and are useless. Most of us here agree
- that Background Windows are extremely useful, and are almost essential.
- To answer your question... Yes. I have tried MSWindows and I hate it. In a
- lot of ways the GUI is more primitive than GEM, however there are also a lot
- more STANDARDS than there are in GEM (where there are virtually none). And
- yes I know lots of people break the rules on MSWindows, but then lots more
- people follow them simply because of standard libraries like OWL (Borland)
- and ObjectWindows (MicroSoft) and the like.
- > Which version? I've seen the first 4.1 beta and it is almost as fast as
- > single tasking versions of TOS, although it doesn't work properly on the
- > falcon. Apparently the second beta is faster still.
- I would have to see this to believe it. MiNT itself is slower than snot.
- Put the new AES on top of it and things really go downhill. If you'd like to
- prove me wrong, send a copy of this "almost as fast as single tasking
- versions of TOS" MultiTOS to khollis@bitsink.gbdata.com.
- Better yet, do some benchmarks and give some *hard* facts, numbers that
- can be *duplicated* by anyone. Try something like GemBench and Speedometer
- and post the numbers. Without hard facts, I'll simply consider that claim
- hearsay. I'd love to have you prove me wrong, since it would indicate that
- Atari got their head out of their .... with this new MultiTOS (at least in
- terms of speed, not usability -- that is a completely different issue.)
- > There is almost no overhead due to MiNT. On average the slowdown is
- > negligible and many things such as memory allocation are a bit faster.
- This is obviously the talk of an experienced MiNT programmer.
- Some people would consider 8%-16% slowdown "almost no overhead", but I'm
- not one of them. 1% to 2% is "almost no overhead" to me. But not 8%-16%.
- -- Ken Hollis (Bitgate Software)